Randy Nundlall Jr. is a British Filmmaker, based in Northern California, specializing in writing, directing, and editing.

Randy is a film director from London with a BA (Hons.) in Film Production from the University of the Creative Arts. He has experience in directing narrative films and music videos.

When he was thirteen, he first picked up a camera and decided to shoot his first film, with friends and family. Today, his childhood passion has become a career.

He is greatly inspired by the works of Quentin Tarantino, David Fincher, David Lynch, and Christopher Nolan. He loves a wide range of genres, from Hollywood blockbusters to Japanese cinema, kung fu films, and surrealist cinema.

His narratives typically feature themes of dreams, memories, loneliness, isolation, and exploring the mental state of his characters, combining surreal elements into his films.

“The Christmas Tapes” (starring Greg Sestero, Vernon Wells, and David Sheridan) and “Infrared” (starring Greg Sestero) are currently on streaming services, such as: Amazon Prime, Roku TV, Tubi, Google Play, and Apple TV.

He is currently working on his next feature film, “Conjuring Tapes”.